Additionally, most Heroes can choose from multiple Mounts (some having special mounts) and have multiple Skins available for purchase in-game or through the free loot box system, with some forming a shared theme with other character Skins. There are currently 90 Heroes in the game, with Hogger being the most recent addition. VDOMDHTMLtml> Valla - a HotS Song - Heroes of the Storm - YouTube The Valla Song - Heroes of the StormThis is a song about Valla, the enigmatic crossbow wielding assassin from Heroes. The Heroes are characters from the Blizzard Entertainment franchise universes of Diablo, Overwatch, Starcraft, Warcraft, Blizzard Classic games ( The Lost Vikings), as well as Heroes of the Storm originals, and are divided into six different roles: Bruiser, Healer, Melee Assassin, Ranged Assassin, Support, and Tank. OUT OF THE 5 REWORKS THIS PATCH, VALLA IS THE STRONGEST AND I EXPECT A ROUND OF NERFS TO TONE HER DOWN IN THE FOLLOWING COUPLE OF WEEKS. Patch notes are linked based on hero names, abilities, and talents. They can also collect experience, increasing Heroes' power and granting them access to new Talents. Low High Show all VALLA REWORK 2021 Top HOLY SMOKES THIS REWORK IS ABOSULTELY TOP TIER FOR VALLA. Patch note history by hero and battleground for Heroes of the Storm (HotS). Heroes can fight other Heroes and be slain, respawning in the Hall of Storms after death. A player chooses a single Hero, each having different abilities and Talents. Heroes are the unique playable characters in Heroes of the Storm. A lineup of heroes on the hero selection screen.